Death Row Chaplaincy

John and Virginia Yaws serve the Lord by ministering to prisoners in the Texas prison system. Bro Yaws special interest is in those men on Death Row. He serves these men at the Huntsville Unit in Texas. His wife, Virginia, is also very involved with prison work also, ministering to many ladies in the Texas’ prisons.

The Porters

The Porters have been ministering many years in the country of South Africa. Here of late though they have focused their efforts to the country of Zimbabwe, where they have seen many trust the Lord as their Savior.

The Hoffmeisters

Dave and Geri are our missionaries to the land of Alaska. They have been faithful missionaries to this cold and barren part of the world for over 30 years. They have established churches and helped many others also.

The Blanchards

The Blanchards have a full time work in the land down under. Australia has been home to this family for over 15 years now. While in Australia Brother Blanchard has had the opportunity to reach several different people groups that would not be possible otherwise such as, Pakistanis, Sri Lankans, and many Iranians.

The Geers

The Tom and Chris Geer have an extensive children’s ministry that literally takes them all over the world. The Geers are involved with Vacation Bible Schools, Teacher Training Seminars, and Camps. They put on our Vacation Bible School every year. http://www.teachersrus.org/

The Alexandres

Jacques and his wife are our missionaries to Haiti. Jacques is a national pastor in the land of Haiti. They were dramatically impacted by the hurricane and flooding of the island back in 2009. In fact they are still recovering from the massive destruction that was caused. The Alexandres not only have local churches in the land whose national religion is voodoo, but they also have a large feeding ministry for many hungry and starving orphans.

The Staleys

Michael and DeAnna Staley are missionaries to the US military overseas. The Lord has given them a burden for the spiritual needs of the men and women who serve our country. Our military men and women have most of their needs meet by the US Government, but many times the spiritual needs are left unmet. It is their desire is to establish churches outside military bases to reach our US military men and women serving overseas.

The Nikkels

The Nikkel family are our missionaries to the Czech Republic. They have acknowledged and surrendered to the great need found there. The Czech Republic is considered the third most atheistic country in the world and the Nickels have been planted there to spread the light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Find out more at: https://g2cz.org

The Nichols 

Kate and Nate Nichols have a burden for the people of Brazil. We are glad to report that they have raised enough support to start their ministry in Brazil. We are excited to hear what the Lord has been doing and will continue to do in their lives.

The Florences 

The Florence family are our missionaries to Papua New Guinea, there is so much work to be done!

The Farias

The Farias family come from Washington state and are currently church planting in Austin, Texas. Their focus is on ministering the Word of God to the Spanish-speaking people in north Austin. Visit their website for more info: www.austinforchrist.com

Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation 

BLMF, a church based printing ministry based out of Shelbyville, TN is focused on distributing the printed Word of God. They have  printed over 100,000 Bibles and distributed to those in need in over 43 nations of the World. We are proud to be a part of this much needed ministry focusing on the printed Word of God. Find out more at: https://biblelit.com

The Pontius Family

The Pontius Family have answered God’s call to start a church in Queretaro, Mexico. They are currently on deputation  working hard to meet support in order to get on the field. https://pontius2mx.org

The Pepperdine Family

Ty and Rebecca Pepperdine are serving as Deputation Directors and Church Planting Representatives for Asia with Vision Baptist Missions. They provide support and training for missionaries who have given their lives to serve the Lord. We are thankful they are willing to fulfill such a critical role in new missionaries lives.

The Shaver Family

Nate and Rachel were married in January of 2011. They have been blessed with six children. Through God’s leading and power, they started Open Door Baptist Church in Cadiz, KY, in 2015 where Nate pastored. They served at Open Door for 4 years before the Lord led them toward His call to Iceland

The Perez Family

Eduardo and Nayra Perez have surrendered to God’s call for them in Thailand. They are passionate about taking the Gospel to Thailand where Buddhism is so prevalent.

The Bach Family 

Paul and Victoria Bach are missionaries to Alaska, where they are part of an unique and much needed aviation ministry. This allows them to reach people they could not otherwise.

The Lemmon Family 

Brother Shannon Lemmon is the third generation of the Lemmon family in The Bible and Literature Missionary Foundation. He was blessed to have been raised in the print shop, viewing the unshakable faith and dedication of the ministry’s founders: his father, Dr. Bobby Lemmon, Jr.. and grandfather, Dr. Bob Lemmon, Sr. At the age of 28, the Lord called Shannon back to BLMF, actually being rehired by his grandfather just two days prior to his Heavenly home-going. Shannon, with his family, travels the nation preaching and presenting this great work. Brother Lemmon is passionate about the Bible-printing ministry, believing it fulfills one of the greatest endeavors the Lord has given: printing His Precious Word for the lost and saved in need around the world.

The McCoy Family 

Kevin and Sonya have surrendered their lives to full time ministry. They started a work in Costa Rica and are currently undertaking several projects in the states. Operation Renewed Hope in Raleigh North Carolina, Training Center of Costa Rica, Church Planting Partners,  and Swan Aviation Ministries are a few of their ongoing projects. The McCoys have an unique ministry and hold many certifications that allow them to train and build up others via training centers, camps, and churches.

The Hobbs Family 

Dheidrick and Joetta Hobbs are being sent out to minister to the Navajo Nation in Chinle, Arizona. The Hobbs were both born and raised on the Reservation. Dheidrick is a graduate of Ganado Baptist Bible College and was trained under the ministry of the Haynes Family. God is sending them to start their first church plant in Chinle. They are currently in full time deputation, gathering support for the call that God has placed in their lives.

The LaBelle Family

Jon and Kelli LaBelle have been called to reach the people of Sierra Leone in west Africa. They travel to remote villages for evangelism and Bible training. They recently held their first ever ordination service on the mission field! What a joyous occasion. The work in Sierra Leone is great, but the LaBelle’s have stepped up to the call, and through their ministry, have seen many surrender their lives to the Lord Jesus.

Not boasting of things without our measure, that is, of other men’s labors; but having hope, when your faith is increased, that we shall be enlarged by you according to our rule abundantly,to preach the the gospel in the regions beyond you, and not to boast in another man’s line of things made ready to our hand.

2 Corinthians 10:15-16

how then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?

Romans 10:14

And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

Mark 16:15

Responding to the Call

We are committed to helping preach the gospel to the regions beyond Austin through the Faith Promise Missions Giving Program. This is only made possible through the faithfulness and generosity of individual members. We believe that investing in the gospel of Jesus Christ will leave an eternal footprint in the souls of men.